
I went to the UK for a week’s holiday. I went on a family errand, but I went on a short trip to Liverpool first. I saw the musical “Wicked” at the very lovely “Liverpool Empire Theatre”. There is a Japanese actress based in the UK who is performing on the stage, and I actually knew her as a child. That’s why I was really looking forward to seeing it. It was a truly inspiring and amazing performance and it is indeed the real deal! It’s really amazing that she is a part of such a great team!! I look forward to the opportunity to see her stage live sometime.

On the way from Liverpool, I was able to visit a memorable place. The scenery and sky are typical British, and there are big antlered deer in a park called Tatton Park. Of course, there were also some flocks of sheep. They had just finished shearing so there were no woolly ones to be seen, and no photos of them…

June is a good time of year in the UK and I was real lucky with the brilliant weather. Events are always a part of traveling, but this time there were a few small ones, but no major problems, thank you very much for everything!

Well, six months have passed in 2024 and we are now in July. We will continue to work harder than ever in the second half of the year. I’m happy to hear your voice.