『Ethical Marche THINK』took place on Sunday Oct. 20th at the Hirota Shrine in Nishinomiya. It was very windy and it took us a long time to get ready, as the wind almost blew many things away, but we managed to finish safely.

I would like to thank all of you I met and got in touch with at the event. To people who visited our booth and purchased our products, organisers of the event, family from the neighboring booth who gave us a hand setting up the tent and collected our items that were blown away by the wind, and last but not least, the owner of “Sewing-SO” who asked me to come along. This time she was in charge of all the preparations for setting up our booth, so I’m grateful to her and her husband for their help. Thank you for everything.

Now, when I decide to open the stall at a Marche event and start preparing, ideas I had in my head come true or new ideas are born. This time I made a set of five walnut buttons, some mini bouquet of dried flowers with pesticide-free flowers・・・
I’m very happy if you choose those.
We were able to get valuable feedbacks from people I met during the event. Thank you so much, and I will make note of them for the future products.
During the event, I had an opportunity to meet a pregnant woman who is about to give birth and/or their families. I wish them a safe and heathy baby.